auner Austrian Gravity Series

at Semmering Hirschenkogel


On 12 October, the last race of the auner Austrian Gravity Series will take place on an adapted version of the downhill course at Bikepark Semmering. The course is natural, technically challenging (Rocks & Roots), but without any daring passages.

Registration for the race



  • 15:00-17:00 hrs | race office

Normal bike park operations will take place on Friday. The race track is already marked, but is also available to bike park users.



  • 08:00-10:00 am | Race office
  • 08:30-11:30 a.m. | Training (at least 2 runs)
  • 11:45-12:00 | Drivers’ briefing (compulsory attendance!)
  • from 12:30 pm | seeding run
  • from 15:30 | race run
  • followed by | award ceremony
  • delicious morning pint delicacies
  • large tombola

*Schedule subject to change.

Registration & entry fee

Registration takes place online at Registration for aAGS 2024 and is only valid once the entry fee has been paid. The entry fee includes participation in the race, timekeeping and the lift ticket for the race day. In the event of non-participation, there is no entitlement to a refund of the entry fee. In order to be eligible to start, the participant must be in possession of a valid Cycling Austria Member Card (formerly ÖRV-BikeCARD) or a valid licence.